Pesticide Applicator Determination

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Pesticide Applicator Determination

The new paraquat and dicamba labels are more restrictive than the restricted use pesticide product labels we’re used to. A significant change is that their use is limited to certified applicators. That is, there is no use of these products (e.g., mixing, loading, application) that may be performed by an individual without a current pesticide applicator certification — even if that individual is supervised by someone with a current pesticide applicator certification. This restriction applies to both commercial and private applications.

The KDA pesticide and fertilizer program has made the following determination. In addition to having all uses performed by a holder of a current Kansas 1A certification, a Kansas pesticide business licensee may have any or all uses performed by a holder of a Kansas private certification when those uses are supervised by an employee having a Kansas 1A commercial certification and working out of the same location as the individual being supervised. Names and certification numbers of both must be on the statement of service if the application was made by the private certified applicator and, because the applicator doesn’t have a Kansas 1A commercial certification, he/she must be listed on the pesticide business license as an uncertified applicator.