
Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) announced an exciting opportunity for its membership to earn some cash prizes while helping KARA grow its membership during the association's all-member meeting over Zoom on Monday morning. A review of the morning's meeting including details on the Chairmen's Challenge, the virtual scholarship auction and much more are below. For any questions or concerns regarding the material below, please reach out to your association office by phone (785.234.0463) or send an email to THE CHAIRMAN'S CHALLENGE In an effort to grow KARA's membership and award some hard-earned...

EPA is taking the next step in its regulatory review of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the United States, which is used to control a variety of grasses and broadleaf weeds. Glyphosate is used on about 298 million acres of agricultural crop land every year and is effective and affordable. Building on EPA’s January 2020 action finalizing new mitigation measures for glyphosate, today, EPA is releasing its draft biological evaluation (BE) for glyphosate for public review and comment. Biological evaluations are the beginning of EPA’s Endangered Species Act consultation...

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released an interim final rule on the definition of agricultural commodity for use in determining which agricultural products are eligible to be hauled under the agricultural exemption to the hours-of-service (HOS) rules for truck drivers. Because of the agricultural exemption, HOS regulations do not apply to the transportation of agricultural commodities by truck drivers operating completely within the 150 air-mile radius. Therefore, work and driving hours that occur within 150 air-miles of the source of the origin are not...

Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association encourages all of its members to join a special state of the association meeting via Zoom on Monday, Nov. 30, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. "With everything we've all been through in the last several months our Chairman Lance Nelson, our board of directors and myself wanted to provide a platform for our members to speak freely on the challenges the industry has faced, our plans for moving forward together in light of the elections and potential regulatory impacts on the industry and most importantly, how our association...

Despite cancellation of the 2020 Kansas Agri Business Expo, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) is raising money for its scholarship fund with a two-week online auction beginning today and ending at noon on Friday, December 4. "The scholarship auction is the association's primary fundraiser for assisting students in our state pursue their educations," KARA President and CEO Ron Seeber said. "The items donated and the proceeds from the auction directly benefit our industry by helping fund the education of the future of our workforce." The KARA scholarship program annually awards nearly $10,000...

Governor Laura Kelly has announced several new plans to combat the spike in COVID-19 cases, among them a statewide face-covering protocol. This order allows counties one week to create their own version of a mask ordinance or they will automatically come under the governor’s face mask requirements. However, they can still opt out of the order under state law. “As COVID-19 continues to spread through Kansas communities and hospitalizations increase at concerning rates, it is clear we must take action to protect our communities and our economy,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Today’s actions...

A Message to the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Assn. Members from ASTA North Central Regional Vice President, John Romines, WinField Solutions On behalf of the American Seed Trade Association’s North Central region, I want to personally extend an invitation to our friends and colleagues of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Assn. to join with us at our CSS & Seed Expo virtual event this December. We encourage you not to wait, but get registered now, since we’ve got business appointment setting between attendees already underway and series of pre-conference events leading up the...

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proposing to create a pilot program to allow truck drivers aged 18-20 to drive across state lines. This is an effort to make federal law more consistent with state laws. Currently, in 49 states, the minimum age for intrastate truck operation is 18, while the federal minimum is 21 for interstate truck operation. Required Training for Pilot Program Drivers: FMCSA proposes to allow 18- to 20-year-old CDL holders to operate CMVs in interstate commerce while taking part in a 120-hour probationary...

Anyone wishing to earn 1A recertification credits through Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association's online course on Nov. 5, must register for the class by NOON today, Nov. 3, 2020. The association is still offering in-person registration as well as walk-in attendance on Thursday Nov. 5 at Tony's Pizza Event Center (800 The Midway) in Salina. Both in-person and online programs are slated to be FULL RECERTIFICATION programs, including the Core Hour, needed to recertify and eight pest management CEUs. On-site attendance includes meals and handouts for $140. In-person attendees must practice social distancing, wear...

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a proposed interim decision for the widely-used herbicide, paraquat. The interim decision meets industry and stakeholders' requests in previous comments. As part of the proposed safety measures, EPA is proposing to add language to the Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) statement that will allow truck drivers who are not certified applicators to transport containers of paraquat that have been opened, and provided they are following Directions for Use. This provision was included after Agricultural Retailers Association brought this potential transportation issue to EPA’s attention because...