02 Jul Dicamba application extension not granted
Updated: July 01, 2021
At the request of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association on June 30, 2021 the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) submitted a 24(c) special local needs registration request to the EPA for Xtendimax with VaporGrip Technology (EPA Registration Number 264-1210).
Today, KARA was informed that the special local need registration was not granted. Therefore, this product may not be applied to soybeans in Kansas after June 30, 2021.
Story from June 28, 2021
New EPA-approved labels for certain dicamba herbicide products will prohibit application to soybeans after June 30, 2021, and to cotton after July 31, 2021. Due to this shortened application window, Kansas soybean growers and commercial applicators will be unable to use these beneficial products on many soybean acres.
Federal law allows states to register a special local needs label for pesticide products within their state. Known as a FIFRA section 24(c) label, this registration would allow state regulators to broaden the application window of EPA-approved pesticide products.
This year, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) has submitted multiple requests to the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture (KDA) seeking adoption of a 24(C) special local need label to extend the application window of dicamba in Kansas through July 31. Unfortunately, those requests were not granted.
On Friday June 25, 2021, as the application window for double-crop soybeans began to close, KARA once again reached out to KDA to seek an extension of the application window for dicamba.
KDA has confirmed receipt of these requests and has assured prompt response regarding granting or denying an extension of the application window.
KARA is aware that USEPA has denied similar attempts by other states to extend the dicamba application window for soybeans and cotton.
Your association will pass along more information when it receives guidance from KDA.